Cubic Square
Performance presented by traveling theater troupe or circus troupe visiting Ulsan in 1970s.
Winning the 2013 Good Place Award of Korea, Cubic Square was created as the first project reflecting the theme ‘Culture’ as a strategy for the restoration of the former downtown in Uslan. The Cubic Square site was a place where travelling troupes or circus troupes visiting Ulsan performed in the 1970s. Its significance emerged by reproducing the memory of the past using modern senses. Since the completion of the project in Sep. 2012, Cubic Square has helped to activate the community and develop the potentials of teenagers as a variety of performances, exhibitions and experience events have been held for teenagers and youth. As a multi-purpose space, Cubic Square is positioned as a unique and exotic multi-cultural space in the former downtown as well as the catalyst for restoring the functions of a downtown area and commercial supremacy.
ProgramsMusic and dance performance by teenagers
A variety of cultural events and performances, poetry readings and outdoor exhibition
Seminars, free markets, experience events.